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The Project was entirely made using  Open Source software such as Blender, Gimp, Inkscape,  Make Human, Sweet home 3D, Krita, Natron, Sinfigstudio, Davinci Resolve, Meshroom, Substance Painter & Designer, Armorepaint, Kdenlive, Audacity, Ardour, Mixxx, Rawtherapee, Ubuntu OS. A self- confessed trek-freak. I set up my own tech requirement WORKSTATION  DELL Pc with 24 core Xeon Scalable intel processors, 64 GB RAM,  20 GB nvidia RTX 4000 ada Gpu .

     Though I had learnt in 'MAAC India' animation school and I have completed diploma in DIGITAL FILM MAKING in 2015.I learnt PHOTOSHOP, PREMIER, AFTER EFFECTS, 3DS MAX, SOUND BOOTH. I first started my graphic work from APTECH in 2006. APTECH provides me 'computer design' certificate in 2006.

    Welcome to Our Site

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Welcome visitors to your site with a short, engaging introduction.


Why I use mainly OpenSource Software/Apps for my working pipeline?

1. I can get it from official website with its original form.
2. It doesn't need to crack and risk free from any virus or infection.
3. Small in size of executable file, most of the apps are less than 200 MB of its size.
4. Apps are release with new version after every short duration. So anybody can gets new tools & bug free in every new version.
5.I don't need to pay for license fees. It is legal to use.
6. I can customize this app and create any tools for my personal purpose with python language.
7. All apps smoothy run on old hardware. So not worry about to upgrade system hardware in very 7 years.
8. So I can deliver my project in affordable price to my customer and I can proudly say that "I have finished this job with Opensource apps". This is not illegal not crime.

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OS - Mac OSX, Linux (Ubuntu Studio/Mint/Fedora)

BRAND- lenovo, Apple, Dell, HP

Recommended hardware Spec.
64-bit INTEL 20 core 2xCPU XEON-Bronze/Gold or AMD Ryzen Threadripper Pro, 128 GB RAM DDR6 ECC,
4K Professional display with 24 bit color Three button VERTICAL mouse,  NVIDIA RTX 4000 ada 20 GB VRAM. Optimal (production-grade) hardware

(media and entertainment house).

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All images are copyright 2024 for respective owner and some are free of my own which are for reused. IMAGEOMAPIA. I Proudly made this web site by ESTD-2009.

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